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China's PM2.5 Pollution

China's PM2.5 Pollution Declines, Residents' Life Expectancy Prolonged by Half a Year

Source: Sina Science and Technology Comprehensive Remember! The information comes to the Internet for reference only, 2019 - 01 - 16    Source: Science and Technology Daily

The harm of fine particulate matter ( PM2.5 ) to human health has been gradually recognized. China launched a pollution prevention and control war in early 2014. The air pollution level of PM2.5 in 2016 is 12 % lower than that in 2013. The " Air Quality Life Index" ( AQLI ) recently released by the Institute of Energy Policy of the University of Chicago in Beijing shows that this pollution reduction is equivalent to an increase of 6 months in the average life expectancy of Chinese residents.

75 % of the world's population lives in areas where PM2.5 exceeds the standard.

According to the 2010 Global Burden of Disease Assessment, jointly completed by 488 researchers from 303 institutions in 50 countries, outdoor air pollution in the form of fine particles ranked ninth among the 20 leading death risk factors in the world in 2010 and fourth in China. The public health risks caused by outdoor air pollution in the form of fine particles are more serious than previously thought. In 2010, in China, outdoor air pollution resulted in 1.2 million premature deaths and losses of more than 25 million healthy life years ( one person lost one year to one healthy life year ).

" Why is the health impact of PM2.5 pollution so great?" Michael green Si Tong, director of the Institute of Energy Policy at the University of Chicago and a professor of economics at the Milton Friedman Lecture, explained to the Science and Technology Daily reporter that the main reason was that residents living in polluted areas had no escape from air pollution. " Smoking can be stopped and diseases can be prevented, but everyone can't help breathing air, so air pollution has a greater impact on life expectancy than any other factor. Currently, 75 % of the world's population, or 5.5 billion people, live in areas where PM2.5 exceeds WHO guidelines. "

It is reported that WHO's guiding standard is 10 micrograms / cubic meter of PM2.5, while China's standard is 35 micrograms / cubic meter.

For every 10μ g / m3 increase in PM2.5 concentration, the life expectancy is reduced by 0.98 years.

Air quality life index " is the degree to which the pollution of PM2.5 in the air is converted into the impact on people's life expectancy. The index was developed by the team of the Energy Policy Research Institute of the University of Chicago. Based on two peer-reviewed research reports, it quantifies the causal relationship between people's long-term exposure to air pollution and their life expectancy, so as to help the public and decision makers understand the importance of air pollution prevention policies.

The study found that for long-term exposure to atmospheric pollution with excessive levels of PM2.5, the life expectancy of people will be reduced by 0.98 years for every 10 micrograms / cubic meter increase in PM2.5 concentration.

Pollution concentrations in key areas have fallen sharply and local residents have benefited more.

The " Air Quality Life Index" released this time shows that developing and industrializing countries in Asia are most affected by PM2.5 pollution. If the safety standards guided by WHO are met, the average life expectancy of Indians will be extended by 4.3 years, while that of China will be increased by 2.9 years, that is, from 76 to 79 years. About one-third of the population in the United States lives in areas that do not meet WHO guidelines. If the standards are met, people's life expectancy in the most polluted areas is expected to be extended by one year.

China's efforts to deal with air pollution are part of the global anti-pollution campaign. " Greenstone said that the drop in pollution concentration in several key areas in China was much higher than the national average, bringing more benefits to local residents. For example, Tianjin was one of the three most polluted cities in China in 2013, and its particulate matter pollution concentration decreased by 14 % in 2016. If this level can be maintained, the average life expectancy of 13 million residents will be 1.2 years longer than in 2013. The improvement of air pollution in Henan Province is the most obvious. Residents' exposure time to PM2.5 pollution decreased by 20 % compared with 2013, which is equivalent to an increase of 1.3 years in average life expectancy.

China's efforts to deal with air pollution are part of the global anti-pollution campaign. " Greenstone said that the drop in pollution concentration in several key areas in China was much higher than the national average, bringing more benefits to local residents. For example, Tianjin was one of the three most polluted cities in China in 2013, and its particulate matter pollution concentration decreased by 14 % in 2016. If this level can be maintained, the average life expectancy of 13 million residents will be 1.2 years longer than in 2013. The improvement of air pollution in Henan Province is the most obvious. Residents' exposure time to PM2.5 pollution decreased by 20 % compared with 2013, which is equivalent to an increase of 1.3 years in average life expectancy.

" China's air pollution control work in recent years has achieved results. Satellite data show that as of 2016, the pollution concentration of atmospheric PM2.5 has dropped by more than 10 %. More new data show that the pollution decline in recent years may be even greater. " Greenstone said, " If this momentum can be maintained, the Chinese will live a healthier and longer life."

Robert O'Keefe, vice-chairman of the American Institute of Health Effects ( HEI ), said that China has responded strongly to air pollution and brought great public health benefits. Premature deaths, cardiovascular and respiratory cases caused by air pollution have all decreased.

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